Analogue Pocket

About the Analogue Pocket
Analogue's Pocket is a multi-video-game-system portable handheld. It's also a digital audio workstation with a built-in synthesizer and sequencer.
Built as a tribute to portable gaming, the Pocket is compatible with over 2,000 Game Boy, Game Boy Color & Game Boy Advance games. No emulation. Yes, using the original game cartridges.
The screen might offers 10x the resolution of the original Game Boy with 1600x1440 pixels in a 3.5" form factor. Turning the Pocket off actually puts it to sleep so you can pick up from exactly where you left off.
And that's not all, combined with Analogue's Dock you can connect Pocket to your HDTV. Sync up an 8BitDo Bluetooth or 2.4g controller with the Dock and you get wireless play for up to 4 players and you can work with hard wired USB controllers too.
You can buy this item for $219.99 from
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